This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

CMSDAS@LPC 2025: Jets Short Exercise: Instructor Notes

This instructure notes are providing information for the instructures of the DASJan2024 and beyond.


This version uses the packages in the cvmfs environment LCG_103: /cvmfs/ In principle, it should work in any computer that has access to cvmfs.

Input Files

The nanoAOD files used in the notebooks were copied to the LPC CMSDAS are and are under: /store/user/cmsdas/2023/short_exercises/jets/. In principle they need any nanoAOD file for QCD, TTjets, WjetsToQQ and RSGluon.

Currently it uses the TTJets jmenanoAOD to access calojets.

Files for CMSSW

The repository contains the old files to run inside CMSSW, and therefore the folder structure follows that paradigm. In the current version of this notes, the c++ and python files are there for students to look at them if needed. They are not used in the context of the class.

Old google slides

To see the shared google slides with all the content you can save a copy here: